Climate change pointers
Slides for a Climate Change Seminar on
science background and transport trends
Climate change 2001: the scientific basis
Summary for policymakers
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
, 2001.
Rapid change:
Abrupt climate change: inevitable surprises
National Academies
, 2004.
Stabilising climate to avoid dangerous climate change
Hadley Centre
, Met Office, 2005.
Aviation and the global atmosphere
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
, 1999.
The environmental effects of civil aircraft in flight
Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
, 2002.
Aviation and the environment
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
, 2003.
Economics of climate change:
Economic instruments for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
Royal Society
, 2002.
Estimating the social cost of carbon emissions
Richard Clarkson and Kathryn Deyes
HM Treasury
, 2002.
Google Scholar
Aviation and the environment: using economic instruments
Department for Transport
, 2003.
Stern Review on the economics of climate change
HM Treasury
, 2006.
Climate change and transport
Department for Transport
, 2006.
Wikipedia's entries on
Carbon dioxide
Climate change