Loss networks
A mathematical review paper is:
Loss networks .
Annals of Applied Probability, 1 (1991), 319-378.
A more discursive paper, setting loss networks in a wider context, is:
Network routing .
Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society A337 (1991) 343-367.
A refinement of the Hunt-Kurtz theory of large loss networks, with an
application to virtual partitioning.
S. Zachary and I. Ziedins
Annals of Applied Probability 12 (2002), 1-22.
Distributed admission control.
F.P. Kelly, P.B. Key and S. Zachary
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 18 (2000) 2617-2628.
The effect of increasing routing choice on resource pooling.
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 12 (1998)
S.R.E. Turner
Network programming methods for loss networks.
R.J. Gibbens and F.P. Kelly
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 13 (1995), 1189-1198.
Loss networks under diverse routing: the symmetric star network.
P.J. Hunt
Advances in Applied Probability, 27 (1995) 255-272.
Computational complexity of loss networks.
Graham Louth, Michael Mitzenmacher and Frank Kelly
Theoretical Computer Science 125 (1994) 45-59.
Bounds on the performance of dynamic routing
for highly connected networks.
Mathematics of Operations Research 19 (1994) 1-20.
Asymptotically optimal loss network control.
Mathematics of Operations Research 18 (1993) 880-900.
P. J. Hunt and
C. N. Laws
Dynamic routing in multiparented networks.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 1 (1993) 261-270.
R.J. Gibbens, F.P. Kelly and S.R.E. Turner
Least busy alternative routing in queueing and loss networks.
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 6 (1992)
P. J. Hunt and C. N. Laws
Routing and capacity allocation in networks with
trunk reservation.
Mathematics of Operations Research 15 (1990) 771-793.
Limit theorems for loss networks with diverse routing.
I.B. Ziedins and F.P. Kelly
Advances in Applied Probability 21 (1989), 804-830.
- On
critically loaded loss networks.
P.J. Hunt and F.P. Kelly
Advances in Applied Probability 21 (1989), 831-841.
Routing in circuit-switched networks: optimization,
shadow prices and decentralization .
Advances in Applied Probability 20 (1988), 112-144.
One-dimensional circuit-switched networks .
Annals of Probability 15 (1987) 1166-1179.
Blocking probabilities in large circuit-switched networks.
Advances in Applied Probability 18 (1986) 473-505.
Stochastic models of computer communication systems.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B) 47 (1985)
with Discussion 415-428.
Frank Kelly
Statistical Laboratory,
University of Cambridge