Probability and Random Processes, 4e
One Thousand Exercises in Probability, 3e
by Geoffrey Grimmett and David Stirzaker
Published in 2020 by
Oxford University Press.
[Note added November 2024: these two volumes should now be available after recent revision to fix minor slips and to add a few new exercises.]
What's new in this pair of volumes?
- Reorganization and expansion of certain material.
- Addition of around 300 new exercises and problems,
making a total of over 1300.
- Inclusion of new sections on material including:
- coupling from the past,
- Lévy processes,
- self-similarity, stability, and time changes,
- an expanded treatment of continuous-time Markov chains, via the holding-time/jump-chain construction.
The solutions to all exercises and problems have been written
up in the third edition of One Thousand Exercises
in Probability.
The copyright of all linked material
rests with the authors.
Preface and Contents of PRP4e.
OTEP, solution to (1.8.30). n should be m in first display
OTEP, solution to (3.11.50d).
Let X and Y be independent. Then H(X|Y) = H(X). Since the entropy of X
is unchanged by any constant translation y to X + y, we have
H(X + Y|Y) = H(X|Y).
Now let Z_n be bin(n, p), independent of B which is Bernoulli ber(p).
the result of Exercise 3.6.5,
H(Z_n+1) = H(Z_n + B) >= H(Z_n + B|B) = H(Z_n|B) = H(Z_n).
Note to reader: You could spend a little while trying to prove this directly
from the explicit expression H(Z_n) = nH(B)-E(log(n \choose Z_n )).
And, naturally, the entropy nH(B) of n Bernoulli trials also increases with
n; the difference being the amount of information in the positions of
the Z_n successes.
[Thanks to Joseph Boutros for pointing out the error.]
PRP+OTEP, Exercise 4.2.5.
The answer is wrong, and should be the sum of 1/k from k=1 to k=n.
The solution is (inevitably) wrong also. Using the linearity of
expectation, the answer is n times the integral over [0,1]^2 of the function
(1-xy)^{n-1}. Integrate over y, and change variable a=1-x, to obtain
the integral over [0,1] of (1-a^n)/(1-a). Expand the integrand as a finite
geometric series, and it is done.
[Thanks to Julius Plenz for pointing this out.]
Exercise 4.4.7(a).
Replace beta-1 by beta in the question.
Exercise 4.4.10.
The given answer is incorrect and should be
(1/lambda) + (1/lambda^2) (e^{-lambda} - 1).
[Thanks again, Julius.]
PRP, Example (5.2.5).
Delete the word "colour" on line 16 of this page.
Many thanks to Peter Stahlecker for pointing out the following.
p 133.
"If (8) holds..." should refer to (7)
p 136.
The reference should be to example (4.8.4) not to (4.4.4)
p 229, l 18: M should be Mc
p 290, last display. Extraneous comma in subscript
p 294, line 6 fb. Should be t >0
p 306, final display. Add equation number (1)
p 324, l 2. Subscript n should read k
p 337, footnote. Exercise number is (3.11.18b)
p 356, l 26. First X should be Xn
p 358.
(5.9.4) is a definition not a theorem
p 375.
Corollary (6.4.22) should be (6.4.25)
p 386, l 2, and p 398, l 8.
Fatou's Lemma is (5.6.14) not (5.6.13)
p 394, l 5.
Should be Exercise (7.9.4c) not (7.9.4iii)
p 399, l 7.
Should be Exercise (7.9.4f)
p 430, l 3 fb.
S should be T
p 443, l 10,
Example (6.10.12) should be (6.10.6)
p 444, l 12.
The correct reference is Problem (8.10.2)
p 471.
Should be Definition (6.8.16)
p 488, l 5 fb.
Theorem (6.4.21) should be (6.4.24)
p 504.
Equation (14) should be (15)
p 505, l 7.
(6.11.12) should be (6.11.18)
p 508, l 8 fb.
Theorem (6.4.17) should be (6.4.20)
p 510, l 9.
Figure 5.1 should be 5.2
p 528, l 2.
if and only if
p 604, l 15.
Missing 1/2 before Wt2
p 610, l 6 fb.
Missing footnote, which should read:
Here $f_t(t,X)$ and $f_x(t,X)$ denote the derivatives of $f$ with
respect to its first and second arguments respectively,
and evaluated at $(t,X_t)$.
p 615, top paragraph. This would benefit from rewriting.
(Nov 2024:) The above slips have been implemented in the latest revision,
together with the addition of a few new exercises.