The following table gives a (possibly incomplete) list of sources of funding for PhD students within Cambridge. Other sources of funding may also be available.
Scholarship/Bursary Name | Tenure | Eligibility | Funding Body |
Allen, Meek and Read Scholarship | 2yrs | Cambridge Degree Holders | Committee on Grants |
British Council Scholarship | 1yr | General | British Council |
Cambridge Commonwealth Trust | 2, 3yrs | Commonwealth | Commonwealth Trust Foundation |
Cambridge European Trust | 2, 3yrs | European Union | European Trust Foundation |
Cambridge Overseas Trust | 2, 3yrs | Non-European Union or Commonwealth | Overseas Trust Foundation |
Christ's College Bursary | 3yrs | Christ's Members | Christ's College |
Downing College Bursary | 3yrs | Downing Members | Downing College |
ESRC Studentships | 3yrs | European Union | Economic Social Research Council |
Graduate Scholarship | 1yr | German Nationals | DAAD |
Hedeliusstipendier | 2yrs | Swedish Nationals | Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse |
Kapitza Scholarship | 3yrs | Russian Nationals | Trinity College |
Lloyds Tercentenary Scholarship | 2yrs | U.K. Business Schools | Lloyds of London |
ORS Award | 3yrs | Non-European Union | British Government |
Sidney Sussex College Bursary | 3yrs | Sidney Sussex Members | Sidney Sussex College |
St John's College Bursary | 3yrs | St John's Members | St John's College |
Trinity College Bursary | 3yrs | Trinity Members | Trinity College |