We consider the average case behavior of one-dimensional bin packing algorithms in the case where bins have unit capacity and item sizes are chosen according to the ``discrete uniform'' distribution $U\{j,k\}$, $1\leq j^\leq k$, where each item size in the set $\{1/k,2/k,\ldots,j/k\}$ has probability $1/j$ of being chosen. Note that for fixed $j,k$ the distributions $U\{mj,mk\}$ approach the continuous distribution $U(0,j/k]$ as $m\rightarrow\infty$, where in $U(0,j/k]$ the item sizes are chosen uniformly from the half-open interval $(0,j/k]$. In this paper, we show that average case behavior can differ substantially under the two types of distributions. We show that for all $j,k$, $j< k-1$, there exist on-line algorithms that have constant expected waste under $U\{j,k\}$, whereas no on-line algorithm can have less than $\Omega(n^{1/2})$ waste under $U(0,u]$ for any $u\leq 1$. Contrariwise, although the First Fit Decreasing (off-line) algorithm has constant expected waste under $U(0,u]$ for all $u\leq 1/2$, there are many combinations $j,k$ with $j<k/2$ such that First Fit Decreasing has $\Theta(n)$ expected waste under $U\{j,k\}$. The constant of proportionality is maximized for $j=6$ and $k=13$, in which case the expected waste is $n/624$.