Statistical Laboratory Pigeonholes

Statistical Laboratory Pigeonholes

You can pick up copies of the printed notes for previous lectures from the pigeonholes in the Statistical Laboratory.

From (1) enter DPMMS, go up one floor and follow the corridor around until you come to the pigeonholes (marked #).

From (2) enter via the doorway on the left that leads out of the small car park off Mill Lane between DAMTP and DPMMS (marked V below). The pigeonholes are on the left at the top of the first flight of stairs (marked #).

                                                  |     |
   -----------------------------------------------   T  |
        (1)  Silver Street                           r  |
   ----- . -----------------------------      ----   u  |
         .   |         |                 |   |    |  m  |   
         .   |         |                 |   |    |  p  |
         ...>]..       |                 |   |    |  i  |
             | .       |______           [<  |    |  n  |
             | . DPMMS |     >]  DAMTP   |   |    |  g  |
             | .       |....  |____      |   |    |  t  |
             | .       |V  .       |     |   |    |  o  |
             | .       |.| .       |     |   |    |  n  |
             | ...STATS.#| .       |     |   |    |     |
   -----    -------------  . -----  -----     ----   S  |
          Mill Lane        ....<...(2)               t
   -----------------------------------------------      |__