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The Statistics Clinic

Established in 2009, the Statistics Clinic aims to offer free statistical consulting services to all members of the broader research community within the University of Cambridge (and its affiliated institutes and hospitals). Eligible university members, including, but not limited to, faculty members, staff, postdocs and graduate students, are all welcome to use our service for advice at any stage of their research and data analysis.

Students taking statistics courses should understand that this is NOT a teaching/supervision service.

Our clinic sessions happen fortnightly during term time and around every third week during summer. See our timetable for the dates and information concerning how to sign-up. Signing up is required to take part in a session. Please meet our excellent Statistics Clinic team here and read more about our areas of expertise. The team is based in the Statistical Laboratory at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, which is also where consultations take place.

While we offer the option of a remote consultation, we strongly encourage clients to sign up for an in-person session when possible. 

If you are unsure whether your query is appropriate for the clinic, feel free to drop us an email at to check. However, please note that we are unable to answer scientific questions by email.

Statistical Laboratory,
Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
Wilberforce Road,
Cambridge CB3 0WB

Forthcoming clinics

