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Statistical Laboratory


Scaling limits: from statistical mechanics to manifolds

A workshop in honour of James Norris' 60th birthday

September 5-7, 2022


Picture of James Norris

(Picture from the Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, licensed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Germany license.)

This workshop will take James' work as a jumping-off point for an exploration of future research directions in probability. There will be 16 invited talks loosely covering the following themes:

  • Random growth processes and SPDEs
  • Yang-Mills measure
  • Limits of random graphs, random planar maps, and fragmentation processes
  • Markov chains, interacting particle systems and fluid limits
  • Diffusion processes and heat kernels.

Registration is required (but free of charge).  Deadline: July 31, 2022.

Organisers: Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford), Jason Miller (Cambridge), Perla Sousi (Cambridge) and Amanda Turner (Lancaster).

List of speakers


Titles and abstracts

Practical arrangements

The workshop will take place at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, with lectures on Monday and Wednesday in MR9; lectures on Tuesday in MR2.  Accommodation for speakers and invited participants will be at Churchill College. Other accommodation may be found at UniversityRooms.

We are very grateful for funding from

EPSRC logo

Peter Whittle Fund

Frontpage talks

Peter Whittle Lecture

Peter Whittle Lecture



Cambridge Statistics Clinic