Research articles
- Miller, J.P. (2005). Sector Reflections in the Plane. Annales Academiae Scientia Fennicae, 30, 219-225.
- Jordan, P., Kiekintveld, C., Miller, J. P., Wellman, M.P. (2006). Market Efficiency, Sales, Competition, and the Bullwhip Effect in the TAC SCM Tournaments. AAMAS-06 Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis.
- Kiekintveld, C., Miller, J.P., Jordan, P., Wellman, M.P. (2006). Controlling a Supply Chain Agent Using Value-Based Decomposition. Seventh AMS Conference on Electronic Commerce, 208-217.
- Kiekintveld, C., Miller, J.P., Jordan, P., Wellman, M.P. (2007). Forcasting Market Prices in a Supply Chain Game. Sixth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 1318-1325.
- Kiekintveld, C., Miller, J.P., Jordan, P., Callender, L.F., Wellman, M.P. (2008). Forcasting Market Prices in a Supply Chain Game. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.
- Hu, X., Miller J.P., Peres, Y. Thick Points of the Gaussian Free Field. (Annals of Probability)
- Miller, J.P., Peres, Y. Uniformity of the Uncovered Set of Random Walk and Cutoff for Lamplighter Chains. (Annals of Probability).
- Miller, J.P. Fluctuations for the Ginzburg-Landau Model on a Bounded Domain. (Communications in Mathematical Physics)
- Miller, J.P. Universality for SLE(4). (Submitted)
- Miller, J.P. Painting a Graph with Competing Random Walks. (Annals of Probability)
- Miller, J.P., Komjathy, J., Peres, Y. Uniform mixing time for random walk on lamplighter graphs. (Annales Institut Henri Poincare)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Imaginary Geometry I: Interacting SLEs. (Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Imaginary geometry II: reversibility of SLE_kappa(rho_1;rho_2) for kappa in (0,4). (Annals of Probability)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Imaginary geometry III: reversibility of SLE_kappa for kappa in (4,8). (Annals of Math)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Imaginary geometry IV: interior flow lines, whole-plane reversibility, and space filling paths. (Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Miller, J.P., Sun, N., Wilson, D.B. Hausdorff dimension of the CLE gasket. (Annals of Probability)
- Miller, J.P., Wu, H. Intersections of SLE paths: the double and cut point dimension of SLE. (Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Miller, J.P., Sousi, P. Uniformity of the late points of random walk on Z_n^d for d >= 3. (Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Quantum Loewner Evolution. (Duke Mathematical Journal)
- Dembo, A., Ding, J., Miller, J.P., Peres, Y. Cut-off for lamplighter chains on tori: dimension interpolation and phase transition. (Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Miller, J.P., Watson, S.S., Wilson, D.B. Extreme nesting in the conformal loop ensemble. (Annals of Probability)
- Miller, J.P., Watson, S.S., Wilson, D.B. The conformal loop ensemble nesting field. (Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Duplantier, B., Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Liouville quantum gravity as a mating of trees. (To appear in Asterisque)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P., Sun, X. Almost sure multifractal spectrum of SLE. (Duke Mathematical Journal)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. An axiomatic characterization of the Brownian map. (To appear in Journal de l'Ecole polytechnique)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Liouville quantum gravity spheres as matings of finite-diameter trees. (Annales Institut Henri Poincare)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Liouville quantum gravity and the Brownian map I: the QLE(8/3,0) metric. (Inventiones)
- Gwynne, E., Holden, N., Miller, J.P., Sun, X. Brownian motion correlation in the peanosphere for k > 8. (Annales Institut Henri Poincare)
- Kenyon, R., Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S., Wilson, D.B. Bipolar oriented random planar maps and SLE(12). (Annals of Probability)
- Gwynne, E., Holden, N., Miller, J.P. An almost sure KPZ relation for SLE and Brownian motion. (Annals of Probability)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S., Werner, W. CLE percolations (Forum of Mathematics, Pi)
- Gwynne, E., Holden, N., Miller, J.P. Dimension transformation formula for conformal maps into the complement of an SLE curve. (Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Gwynne, E., Kassel, A., Miller, J.P., Wilson, D.B. Active spanning trees with bending energy on planar maps and SLE-decorated Liouville quantum gravity for k >8 (Communications in Mathematical Physics)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Liouville quantum gravity and the Brownian map II: geodesics and continuity of the embedding (To appear in Annals of Probability)
- Kenyon, R., Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S., Wilson, D.B. The six-vertex model and Schramm-Loewner evolution (Physical Reviews E)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Gaussian free field light cones and SLE_kappa(rho) (Annals of Probability)
- Miller, J.P. Dimension of the SLE light cone, the SLE fan, and SLE_k(rho) for k in (0,4) and rho in [k/2-4,-2) (Communications in Mathematical Physics)
- Gwynne, E., Milller, J.P. Scaling limit of the uniform infinite half-plane quadrangulation in the Gromov-Hausdorff-Prokhorov-uniform topology (Electronic Journal of Probability)
- Gwynne, E., Milller, J.P. Metric gluings of Brownian and sqrt(8/3)-Liouville quantum gravity surfaces (Annals of Probability)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Convergence of the self-avoiding walk on random quadrangulations to SLE(8/3) on sqrt(8/3)-Liouville quantum gravity (To appear in Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Liouville quantum gravity and the Brownian map III: the conformal structure is determined (To appear in Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S., Werner., W. Non-simple SLE curves are not determined by their range (Journal of the European Mathematical Society)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Chordal SLE(6) explorations of a quantum disk (Electronic Journal of Probability)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Convergence of the free Boltzmann quadrangulation with simple boundary to the Brownian disk (Annales Institut Henri Poincare)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Characterizations of SLE(κ) for κ in (4,8) on Liouville quantum gravity (To appear in Asterisque)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Convergence of percolation on uniform quadrangulations with boundary to SLE(6) on sqrt(8/3)-Liouville quantum gravity (To appear in Asterisque)
- Miller, J.P., Werner, W. Connection probabilities for conformal loop ensembles (Communications in Mathematical Physics)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. The Tutte embedding of the mated-CRT map converges to Liouville quantum gravity (To appear in Annals of Probability)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Random walk on random planar maps: spectral dimension, resistance, and displacement (To appear in Annals of Probability)
- Miller, J.P. Liouville quantum gravity as a metric space and a scaling limit (Proceedings of the ICM 2018)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. Harmonic functions on mated-CRT maps (Electronic Journal of Probability)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. An invariance principle for ergodic scale-free random environments (To appear in Acta Mathematica)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. The Tutte embedding of the Poisson-Voronoi tessellation of the Brownian disk converges to sqrt(8/3)-Liouville quantum gravity (Communications in Mathematical Physics)
- McEnteggart, O., Miller, J.P., Qian, W. Uniqueness of the welding problem for SLE and Liouville quantum gravity (To appear in Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P., Qian, W. Conformal invariance of whole-plane CLE(kappa) on the Riemann sphere for kappa in (4,8) (To appear in International Math Research Notices (IMRN))
- Miller, J.P., Qian, W. The geodesics in Liouville quantum gravity are not Schramm-Loewner evolutions (To appear in Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Local metrics of the Gaussian free field (To appear in Annales de l’Institut Fourier)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Confluence of geodesics in Liouville quantum gravity for gamma in (0,2) (To appear in Annals of Probability)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Existence and uniqueness of the Liouville quantum gravity metric for gamma in (0,2) (To appear in Inventiones)
- Gwynne, E., Miller, J.P. Conformal covariance of the Liouville quantum gravity metric for gamma in (0,2) (To appear in Annales Institut Henri Poincare)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S., Werner, W. Simple conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity (To appear in Annals of Probability)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S., Werner, W. Non-simple conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity and the law of CLE percolation interfaces (To appear in Probability Theory and Related Fields)
- Miller, J.P., Qian, W. Geodesics in the Brownian map: Strong confluence and geometric structure (Submitted)
- Kavvadias, K., Miller, J.P., Schoug, L. Regularity of the SLE(4) uniformizing map and the SLE(8) trace (Submitted)
- Miller, J.P. Tightness of the chemical distance metric for simple conformal loop ensembles (Submitted)
- Miller, J.P., Schoug, S. Existence and uniqueness of the conformally covariant volume measure on conformal loop ensembles (Submitted)
- Kavvadias, K., Miller, J.P. Bipolar oriented random planar maps with large faces and exotic SLE_kappa(rho) processes (Submitted)
- Ambrosio, V., Miller, J.P. A continuous proof of the existence of the SLE(8) curve (Submitted)
- Kavvadias, K., Miller, J.P., Schoug, L. Conformal removability of SLE(4) (Submitted)
- Hughes, L., Miller, J.P. Equivalence of metric gluing and conformal welding in gamma-Liouville quantum gravity for gamma in (0,2) (Submitted)
- Kavvadias, K., Miller, J.P., Schoug, L. Conformal removability of non-simple Schramm-Loewner evolutions (Submitted)
- Doherty, C., Miller, J.P. On the Sobolev removability of the graph of one-dimensional Brownian motion (Submitted)
- Doherty, C., Kavvadias, K., Miller, J.P. Connectivity of the adjacency graph of complementary components of the SLE fan (Submitted)
- Miller, J.P., Sheffield, S. CLE(4) and the Gaussian Free Field. (in preparation)
Last updated July 23, 2020